Publisher:- Olympia Software(Shareware) | Price:- 35US$, 45DM (Ordering details here) |
Programming:- Olympia Software | Release Date:- OUT NOW |
"Wow!" is the first impression that comes to mind when playing this game, and that impression stayes even after hours of play. Being an Eye of the Beholder fan myself I've always looked forward to releases in this genre. And Evils Doom is a release to be reconned with. In this game you control a party of four hero's, on their way to save the world. Someone has captured the four horsemen of the appocolypse and its your yob to free them and put an end to several mysterious killings on an island.
After a well presented intro that is completely done in hires interlace you are presented with the options screen. After selecting the 'start new game' option I found myself looking in astonishment at the screen. Everything is done in Hires interlace. The beatifull drawn stills that appear when you enter a new location and even the parts when you walk around in one of the large dungeons. It all looks great.
You start the game at the pier of the main town on the island. Your ship has just entered the harbour and you and your trusted friend have just set foot on land. Travel inside the town results in the clicking of a button and the selection of the place you want to go. Ofcourse, as every good adventurer knows, you go directly to the nearest inn.
Again your are presented with gorgeous graphics. All the locations on the island have their own music and local characters. And all the characters have their own story to tell about what happened to them. In the inn their is a great divercity of character classes. Barbarians, wizards, fighters, clerics and thieves can be found. To get some of them to follow you or to give you certain items you need for your quest, you need to perform deeds, or bribe them. Everything that is said and done here fits in well with the rest of the story. So it's clear that the people behind all this do have an eye for detail.
After your group is fully stocked and
you've learned the location of the first dungeon to survive, your party
travels to an abandonned ruin and enters it.
As soon as you enter a
dungeon the screen splits up into two parts. The top part giving you
the view of your party, and the bottom part that shows the stats of
your party. This being a roleplaying game, your hero's have a wide
selection of weapons and spells they can use. Spell casting is done
with a spell book filled with secret runes. Giving it all a realistic
feeling. The only problem is that when you are in a hurry to cast a
certain selection of spells,
the strange cymbols make it hard to cast
the correct spell.To prevent this from happening the
designers have implemented a sort of 'favourite spells' selection, in
which you can store four spells that you suspect to cast often.
To cast these spells, all you have to do is click on one of the scrolls, numbered from I to IV. Your character will then automatically use the correct runes and the spell wil be cast. Ofcourse your wizard has many spells available, ranging from offensive to defensive. With the wizard offering magical protection , your cleric can create food, heal and also cast some offensive and defensive spells, although not as much as the wizard.
For RPG and Eye of the Beholder fans this game is a must. Excellent gameplay, combined with gorgeous graphics really gets you sucked into the game. The game has just the right level of complexity, macking the puzzels solvable with a little effort, And the wide variety of dungeons and locations to travel to make you come back to the game time after time.
This is one of those games that showes the true power of the AGA chipset. And even if it was develloped by three independant programmers, this game can rival a lot of the new PC games. Hopefully some publisher like vulcan software wil pick up this title and give it some mass marketing. In my humble opinion it will be a hit and with some proper support it could reach the top of the charts in no time. These games are the way forward for the amiga.
Showing it's true potentional and enslaving hordes of people to the screen. Evils Doom is so good, that you don't notice it... At least, not until your grades start suffering and your work piles up.
Evils Doom is just a must. Buy it!.
I'm gonna play it
some more now.
Evils Doom | ||
Machine: | AGA Amigas | |
Workbench: | 3.0+ | |
RAM: | 2 Meg chip | |
Hard-disk Install | Required | |
Disks: | 8 Disks | |
Graphics:- | 95% | |
Sound:- | 80% | |
Playability:- | 90% | |
OVERALL:- | 90% |
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